After my day out yesterday I went out today with some trepidation as to how I would manage. I was better than yesterday but found myself floored by the simple task of putting air in the tyres of the car.I found the hose for the air really hard work as it kept trying to pull me back into the machine and it left me breathless before I started with the air. For this pleasure 50 pence!! I love Esso such a helpful company they make so much profit how could they possibly provide free air.I sat for a while and took some of my free Oxygen, provided by NHS poor show isn't it, the compressed air for my car tyres costs more than the pure oxygen that helps me breath. Then went to Blockbuster to get some DVDs.
I was most impressed by my previous DVD rentals. Avatar I enjoyed this very much and would recommend it.the other film I saw and like was Sex and drugs and rock and roll the film about Ian Dury a singer from my youth I was into punk and a biker.
I was interested in this because I nursed a patient who had been at Chailey Heritage School in East Sussex (Where I trained a a nurse) at the same time as Ian Dury.The picture pains a very bleak picture of this place There is a scene in which he was left on the floor by staff, which according to my patient was quite accurate.Andy Serkis plays the singer, with Bill Milner, who plays Dury’s son Baxter and featured on the album cover for new boots and panties.
The blockheads are still playing and Info on Ian Dury is at wikipedia .
In my selection this week are, 44 inch chest with Ray Winstone and Nowhere Boy the film about John Lenon I shall do a review of these films soon.
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